Two ways to search the pages of this website

The pages of this site are indexed on Google and other search engines. If you'd like to try a different way, then here are two search engines that will give you results for just this site.

Put keywords or a phrase in one of the boxes and then click on "Find" or "Search."

index sitemap advanced
search engine by freefind

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How Credible Is This Webpage?

Can I Trust the Information on This Website?

Determining the credibility of information on a webpage is crucial in today's digital age, where misinformation and fake news abound. Here are some ways to assess the credibility of information on a webpage:

  1. Source Evaluation:
  2. Content Analysis:
  3. Fact-Checking:
  4. Website Design and Functionality:
  5. Audience and Purpose:
  6. Social Proof and Reviews:

By employing these strategies, you can better assess the credibility of information on a webpage and make informed decisions about its reliability.

    -- Howard Culbertson,