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How to do your split-half reliability in WebSTATISTICA
Multiple ANOVA's using WebSTATISTICA
Saving Graphs in WebSTATISTICA
Saving Tables in WebSTATISTICA
Spud Relaxing in the sunroom, snoozing on the couch. What a hard life!!
Spud Reclining and Other Photos of Spud (just copy and paste into your email program)
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Getting Excel Spreadsheets
into WebSTATISTICA and Vice Versa
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TF 19 begins stats!!
If you would like information on SNU's Family Studies & Gerontology Program, email me!! Groups start twice a year. My email address is:
The following link will get you to the official journal for The Alzheimer's Foundation (which is the research organization that Gary and I founded many years ago).
It is now being published by Sage Publications. Gary and I continue to be editors for JGPN.
To find the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology