How to study the Bible

Five Bible study principles

"Continue in what you have learned . . . You have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" -- 2 Timothy 3:14-15

  1. Be willing to spend time. Take Bible study seriously. Do not be overwhelmed by the talk about Bible "chapters." Most Bible chapters are only one page long. With some exceptions, each Bible "book" is about as long as a chapter in an average book published today.
  2. Be honest with the Bible. Be willing to listen to what it says rather than what you can make it mean.
  3. Do not "read" the Bible" by pulling out and dissecting isolated verses. Instead, really "read the Bible." Devour entire books or at least read large sections of the Bible. It was written to be read that way. Instead of reading a verse here and there, read the Bible.
  4. Approach the different parts of the Bible according to their literary types. Some, like the entire book of Psalms, contain poetry. Others, like 1 and 2 Kings, are history. Titus is a letter to an individual. Romans is a letter to a church congregation. Parts of books like Genesis contain biographies of people's lives. Job's story plays out like a drama with various actors. Scholars consider books like Hebrews and some of the Old Testament prophetic books that were originally sermons. Revelation is a look into the future and is, therefore, a prophecy. So, as you study the Bible, be conscious of the type of literature you are reading.
  5. Put yourself in the shoes of the very first readers of each part of the Bible. Try to imagine, given what you know of those people's context and history, what they would have understood as they listened to the same passage you are reading.

"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." -- Psalm 119:11

Commandments or rules on how to treat a printed Bible

Handling a Bible with reverence

My friend Steven Troutman shared with me this page from a Bible given to him by his parents when he was a small boy.

  1. I will read my Bible every day.
  2. I will study my Bible to learn its meaning.
  3. I will memorize choice portions from my Bible. (Tips on how to memorize Bible verses<)
  4. I will obey the commandments in the Bible.
  5. I will show reverence for the Bible, for it is God's Holy Word.
  6. I will not place books or papers on the Bible.
  7. I will not use my Bible as a place to collect things.
  8. I will mark only important things in my Bible.
  9. I will handle my Bible with clean hands and turn its pages gently.
photo of page with rules on it

Classic Bible Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's holy Word, and will make it a Lamp unto my feet, a Light unto my path, and hides its word in my heart, that I may not sin against God.

It's a book, not an idol

We do not treat the Bible as if it were Aladdin's lamp or a magic amulet, talisman, or fetish. The Bible is a collection of documents written by forty different authors over a period of 1500 years. Amazingly, there is a coherence of thought and unity of message that the Bible can feel like there is one author behind it all. Indeed, so much so that one Jewish scholar called the Old Testament "a love letter from God."

Someone recently asked, "Is it a sin NOT to read the Bible?"

The question may grow out of a misreading of Psalm 119:11. Here's how two other translations render that verse:

Both of those wordings make clear that the point of the verse is that the Bible is a guide to keep me from doing wrong things. "Sin" in this verse refers to running roughshod over God's design for life. It is not laser-focused on how often we read or do not read the Bible.

Actually, if the Bible is really a "love letter from God," why would Christ-followers not want to read and reread it?

"My friends say the King James Version is 'inaccurate'"

Not long ago, a friend who uses the King James Version of the Bible wrote to me asking what she should say to friends who tell her the KJV is "inaccurate." Here is how I answered her:

I grew up when the King James Version was the dominant Bible translation for the English-speaking world. That means that most of the Scripture verses I can quote by memory are from the KJV. However, the New International Version is now the English version I use most often in my personal reading and study as well as in the pulpit when I preach.

It would be wrong to say the King James Version is inaccurate. That makes it sound like there are mistakes in it. There are not. That translation was done by the best Bible scholars of that day. It is a masterpiece of literature. When read aloud, its passages sound majestic.

However, the King James Version may not always clearly communicate God's message to native English speakers today, given that the English language has undergone many changes in the 400 years since the KJV was translated.

Certain verb forms are no longer used (thinketh, hath, goest, and loveth are examples). Pronoun forms such as ye, thee, thou, and thy have disappeared. Some words, such as "gay" (used in the KJV translatbigion of James 3:2) have shifted in meaning. When the KJV says Jesus spoke of what was "meet" in Mark 6, He meant what was proper or fitting. Other words have disappeared from use while new ones have taken their place. Words like "bade" (ask or tell), "ere," and "dryshod," for instance, are no longer used by English speakers. The Bible books were originally written in common, everyday language. That's how it should sound when we read it today.

For these reasons, I suggest that people who love the King James Version also have a newer English translation (either in print or online using sites like and to compare the wording when the meaning from the KJV is not clear or when you want to communicate with a non-believer.

My wife and I served as missionaries for ten years in Italy and then for five years in Haiti. I have, therefore, read the Bible all the way through, not only in English but also in Italian, French, Haitian Creole, and Spanish. I can testify that God has spoken to me through each language translation of Scripture I can read. There is something alive about the message of that collection of sacred documents we call the Bible.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Afterword: Seven attitudes that will make your Bible study more profitable

Approaching Bible study the right way can increase your understanding of its contents. These seven attitudes that will help you:

  1. Approach the study of the Bible with an open mind and heart. Be willing to receive and consider what it says without preconceived notions or biases.
  2. The Bible was written by about 40 different people over a period of about 1,500 years. So, it is a book "woven with many threads." Humbly acknowledge upfront that there may be things you don't fully understand or that even seem to challenge your existing beliefs.
  3. Every time you open the Bible, do so with a sense of curiosity. Be eager to learn about the historical, cultural, and literary context of the passages you read.
  4. Treat the Bible with respect and reverence. It is sacred scripture through which the Holy Spirit speaks today.
  5. Realize that Bible study is a lifelong pilgrimage. Do not feel like you have to find a message just for you in every Bible verse. Be patient as you seek to deepen your understanding.
  6. Pray before, during, and after your study. Ask God for understanding.
  7. Ponder how passages in it can apply to your everyday life. Live each day in accordance with what you are learning from the Bible.

By approaching Bible study with these attitudes, you will develop a deeper appreciation for the words of Scripture. Regular Bible study will help you hear what God wants to say through it.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

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